Bhakti Karma

Hi, we are Manu and Maitri. We would like to welcome you in our retreat place and show you a little about us...


Our home is a simple place to meet, practice, chant and grow together. In the nature, in between trees, vegetables and plants you can let go of the worldly influences and come closer to yourSelf.

    Every day you will live in and with the nature and the yogic principles.

    We are happy to welcome you

Om namo narayanaya

Manu Petit


  Manu made his education in commerce and marketing, but finally found his way to a more natural and grounded 
living through working with eatable wild plants and how we can integrate them in our daily life.  

     As a musician and circus artist he brings his experience of trust in himself and expression through his voice 
and body in this world.

Steffi Maitri Petit

    Maitri is a yoga teacher with all her heart...

    Her way led her from Germany to India and finally to France, where she is building a stable base for yoga, retreats
and stays in this beautiful area together with her husband Manu. 

    "I am a physiotherapist, Haṭha Yoga teacher and a natural health practicioner from Berlin, germany, teaching and
practicing Yoga in India as well as in Berlin since 2015. Around 15 years ago I discovered the beauty and healing of yoga
for myself and wanted to share this light with others. So I did my first yoga teacher training in Berlin and than came to
India to deepen the practice, finding my teacher. Spending time in the Ashram in Haridwar, I continue deepening the
knowledge of yoga practice and philosophy."

    You can also see more about her on her  homepage...