Weekly classes for Āsana and Prāṇāyāma

Coming soon...
Classes in german start in the beginning of the new year


The practice of the Yoganga abhyāsa Āsanas - the seven limbed Haṭha Yoga System - with the concentration of the breath to the cakras, helps you to find your inner balance. It strengthens, centers and grounds you into being.

With Āsanas from the traditional Hatha Yoga from India we are starting a journey through the body.

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Einführungsvideo - deutsch

Om namo Nārāyaṇāya

ॐ नमो नारायणाय

Einführungsvideo zu den wöchentlichen Klassen - deutsch


Through Prāṇāyāmas, yogic breathing techniques, we reach a cleansing of the energy channels (Nāḍīs) and are getting a control over our breath and our mind. We help to evacuate impurities from the body, observe the Nāḍīs and with this balance our physical and energetical system. The breathing techniques are bringing the mind into calmness and let yourself be more in harmony with yourSelf and your body.

Einführungsvideo - deutsch